Posts Tagged ‘lularoe’

Holiday First Friday! December 2nd from 4-9pm Get a jump start on your holiday gift giving this year with help from the gals at Funky Hannah’s, 324 Main Street.  Stop in during First Fridays and see samples of great holiday inspired jewelry designed by the talented staff.  Get ideas and inspiration and find out how easy it is to make some gifts this holiday season!  It’s extra special if it is made by your hands and heart.  Demonstrations of how to make fun and easy earrings and bracelets from 5-9pm!

memory-wire green-trees

But wait!  There’s more!

LuLaRoe Logo Horizontal_Outlined

You won’t want to miss the special event happening in the back!   Funky friends LuLaRoe Leayn and Tracy will be hosting a LuLaRoe Pop Up Boutique, tonight only!  Come see what everyone is talking about!  We’re addicted to this super comfortable and fun clothing line!  And we love to make jewelry to match!

Funky Amanda in her LuLaRoe Cassie skirt and stack of bracelets!

Funky Amanda in her LuLaRoe Cassie skirt and stack of bracelets!

Then swing around the corner and check out the action (or warm up) at Hot Shop Glass.  Demonstrations beginning at 4pm til 8:30pm.  Watch local glass artist turn molten glass into art right before your eyes! Fall is in the air and no one is happier that the artists at Hot Shop Glass! Stop in and watch the show!
